Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Goes up Must Come down

My darling Phillip. as I have told you he is my all-American boy Well 4 days before his 8th birthday at his 1st baseball game of the season he learn that what goes up must come down and I am not talking about baseballs. There was about 20 minutes left in the game and his team was up to bat so him and 4 other boys decided to race to the top of "the box" a.k.a the dugout , which is a chain link fence enclosure about 8ft high. My son HAS to be the best at everything so he thinks, he got the highest the fastest and then learn ,the VERY hard way that what goes up must come down. About 5ft up his cleat caught in the fence and fell on his right arm and left side of his face. I had had just walked away with the other boys to go on a bathroom and snack beak. I thought it would be a good time since Phillip wasn't up to bat til 4th.Next thing I knew these 2 moms come running up to telling he was hurt. So I calmly went to ck on him. I have learned not to freak out cause they will freak out. I really thought he was fine , he wasn't crying and wanted to finish out the game. The parents who did see it said it was a terrible fall and that he prob needed to go to the ER. After 10 min the tears cam a flowing, most of the dads kept telling me how tough he is b/c their kids would have been bawling b/f they hit the ground. So we went to the ER and up broken in 2 places and a badly bruised face. Out for 5 wks. The pic above does not show how bad his face really was. At least he can play the last 8 games of the season and tournament.