Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What Goes up Must Come down

My darling Phillip. as I have told you he is my all-American boy Well 4 days before his 8th birthday at his 1st baseball game of the season he learn that what goes up must come down and I am not talking about baseballs. There was about 20 minutes left in the game and his team was up to bat so him and 4 other boys decided to race to the top of "the box" a.k.a the dugout , which is a chain link fence enclosure about 8ft high. My son HAS to be the best at everything so he thinks, he got the highest the fastest and then learn ,the VERY hard way that what goes up must come down. About 5ft up his cleat caught in the fence and fell on his right arm and left side of his face. I had had just walked away with the other boys to go on a bathroom and snack beak. I thought it would be a good time since Phillip wasn't up to bat til 4th.Next thing I knew these 2 moms come running up to telling he was hurt. So I calmly went to ck on him. I have learned not to freak out cause they will freak out. I really thought he was fine , he wasn't crying and wanted to finish out the game. The parents who did see it said it was a terrible fall and that he prob needed to go to the ER. After 10 min the tears cam a flowing, most of the dads kept telling me how tough he is b/c their kids would have been bawling b/f they hit the ground. So we went to the ER and up broken in 2 places and a badly bruised face. Out for 5 wks. The pic above does not show how bad his face really was. At least he can play the last 8 games of the season and tournament.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My All American Boy

Meet Philip he is 7 yrs old blond hair and green eyes. He was born 7lbs 10ozs and 21 inches long. He has always been a text book type of child. He crawled, walked and talked right on time. He was never a fussy baby nor was he ever really sick, except the one time he got an ear infection and we found out he was allergic to penicillin. He looked like a tomato for a month !!
I like to consider him my all American boy. He is very social and a leader. Anything that involves the outdoors or sports he rises to the top. There isn't a sport he wont try and we haven't found one he doesn't like. I never want to type cast any of my boys but he really does fit into that mold of all American boy. Things are always very easy with him. He is a go with the flow kind of guy. I see a lot of who I want to be in him. A leader, fearless, loving, social,athletic. I want to be so many of those things. Kind of hard to believe he is my child.
He is a good looking kid. I am not bias at all ;). The girls are already calling. Lord, help him when he rally is a teenager !!
Even though he is 2nd born he acts like a 1st born. I believe it is because I depend on him so much, see his older brother had autism. So he sort filled in what Thomas couldn't. He is an awesome brother !! All the other boys look up to him, including his older brother.
I just wanted to share him with all of you.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Much Fun !!

Typically where we live snow does not happen. We had 5 inches of snow !! For us that is a blizzard. The boys have made more memories these past 2 days than they have in a very long time. I love to hear the excitement as they look out the window waiting for the 1st glimmer of snow. The rush of whose is going to get all their winter stuff on 1st. The giggles and squeals as they hear the snow crunch beneath their shoes.
The older 2 boys have seen snow like this before but it has been a very long time, so this was their 1st time all over again . They immediately starting making snowballs to throw at each other. They run and fall into the snow to make snow angels. There is such joy in those sweet faces that make my heart just swell up with love.
The younger 2 boys learn just how much the cold can be when snow is involved. Simon being 5 ran and joined the older 2 but Andrew who is only 2 started to make a snowman. It was just absolutely precious watching him make it. He is soo proud of his final creation as am I.

Once everything was done and every inch of them were frozen to the bone we came in made snow ice cream. That was a 1st time for everyone including me. ican see Gods glory soo much in my boys. I am soo blessed.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Simon Says !!

My sweet Simon is the one God has blessed me with to keep me on my toes. He says things that just make you smile. His older brother is named Phillip so one day he was helping pick up some tools he handed me a screwdriver and said "mom this is a phillip's screwdriver " I said yes you are right good job" then he handed me a flat head screwdriver and said " mom this is a Simon screwdriver" Love that !! A few weeks ago at church we had some missionaries come talk to the kids . Simon came home and told me that he talk to some mysteries. He also reminds me of the little things I think my boys don't notice such as getting frustrated in traffic, he tells me to be patient.
Let me give you a little back ground on my sweet Simon. When I was about 23wks pregnant I was told I was having a girl. Six weeks till my due date I went into labor and out came a 5lb little boy. Right then and there I knew I was going to have my hands full with him. He started physical therapy at 6 months and didn't walk to 2. He has has 5 surgeries in 5 years. That child brings me soo much joy. My life wouldn't be complete without him.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Potty Time !!

OK I haven't posted in a very long time , I know this. I am going to strive to post much more often.

My sweet Andrew will be 3 next month and I have decided that he needs to learn to use the potty. Now I know he could have learned this before now but part of me was wanting me to hold on to the little bit of baby that was left in him. I have only really been trying for about 3 days now and it is going really well. Which just proves that he could have learned this way before now. He has the pee part down just not the poo. Part of is very sad that this is the last Lil one I will be training but then again NO MORE DIAPERS !!
My hope is that by the end of 2 weeks he will be completely trained. Sad to say but I don't really remember what potty training was like with the others. It has become a blur. I do remember that the 1st on and the 3rd one were very stubborn but I don't think it took very long once i started.Most of the problem is with me committing myself to finishing this with him. I am going to it is what is best for the both of us.